How Acupuncture Works
Chinese philosophy
Acupuncture is a healing medicine developed in China over 2000 years ago through meticulous observation of the human body. It is now a well-integrated part of healthcare in East Asia. Acupuncture involves the insertion of ultra fine single-use sterile needles into the body to stimulate specific 'acupuncture points' along what is known as meridian pathways.
Illness is thought to arise when there is an imbalance in the circulation of 'qi' or energy throughout the body. The stimulation of acupuncture points restores the optimal healthy balance to the body, promoting physical, mental and spiritual well-being.
Western medicine
In terms of modern science, myofascial pathways trace the meridian pathways. The concept of qi corresponds to our body's physiological processes and how our cells communicate. Acupuncture needles stimulate connective tissue which increases blood flow to the area, distributing nutrients and hormones, reducing inflammation and stimulating the release of the body's own internal pain relief.
Needling has positive effects on the peripheral and central nervous system, activating your 'rest and digest' healing mode to take you out of the 'flight or flight' stress response. Acupuncture also has positive effects on the endocrine and immune systems, stimulating the body to heal itself.
Acupuncture as an evidence-based healthcare solution
Evidence of acupuncture’s effectiveness is growing. NICE (2021) guidelines recommend acupuncture for the treatment of chronic primary pain such as chronic headaches, chronic musculoskeletal pain and fibromyalgia, where no underlying condition adequately accounts for the pain. One systematic review of trials involving over 20,000 adults with osteoarthritis, chronic headache or musculoskeletal pain concluded:
Acupuncture was more effective than control for all pain conditions, acupuncture is not a placebo for chronic pain treatment and the effects persist over time (15% reduction in pain at one year after treatment).
Acupuncture research
The British Acupuncture Council has fact sheets on the evidence for a wide range of conditions.